Nurse Kaylin Weststeyn Has a Heart for Serving Others

Upon winning a Don Diego 4-H Scholarship in 2015, valedictorian Kaylin vanTol revealed her life’s passion. Raised on a Ramona family dairy farm, Kaylin put her robust work ethic to use as a hospital intern helping people in medical crisis “to ease their pain. I always had a heart for others,” she confided, saying she intended to pursue a nursing career.

Today, after earning an RN/BSN at Dordt College, currently working the night shift at Modesto Memorial Medical Center ICU, married, and hoping to embark next year on an ambitious Doctorate of Nursing Practice program, Kaylin Weststeyn is fulfilling her early promise, opening doors to her future, and growing her passion to help others.

This energetic doer recently bought a 25-acre almond orchard farm with her husband, Mark. On days off, they work in the orchard.

The twin efforts are synergistic, Kaylin says. “I love caring for people and for our trees. Working at my family’s dairy and being deeply involved in 4-H opened my eyes to the world and taught me that hard work is necessary to attain success. Whether raising animals, growing almonds or helping save and heal people, you have to put your whole heart into everything you do.”

Kaylin does precisely that, and the world is better for it.